Is A Home Inspection A Right?

Is A Home Inspection A Right?

I recently read about a proposed law in Massachusetts that would make home inspections a right of the buyer. According to the article home buyers would no longer feel pressured to waive an inspection in order to purchase a home in a competitive market. 

We’ve always advised our clients, even with multiple offers on a home, waiving an inspection can be a huge mistake. I have inspected many homes that look great at first glance but my inspection discovers issues a buyer should definitely know about. Not always, but it DOES happen! So this proposed new law would remove the home inspection contingency as a “bargaining chip” for the home. If passed, buyers in Massachusetts would have ten days from the time of an agreement to have an inspection performed and then five days to review the report.

If passed, will Florida follow suit? I’m not sure, but it’s an interesting development to watch.